Tuesday, January 22, 2013

15 February - History and Importance of the Day

Serbia National day

399 - Philosopher Socrates was sentenced to death by the city of Athens for corrupting the minds of the youth and of impiety

1898 - In Havana, the U.S. Battleship Maine was blown up while at anchor and quickly sank with 260 crew members lost. The incident resulted in a declaration of war against Spain on April 25, 1898, amid cries of "Remember the Maine!"

1902 - Underground railway (U-Bahn)
1906 - British Labour Party founded
1910 - The Boy Scouts of America founded
1922 - Marconi began regular broadcasting transmissions from Essex
1933 - An assassination attempt on newly elected U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt occurred in Miami, Florida.
1989 - Soviet Russia completed its military withdrawal from Afghanistan after nine years of unsuccessful involvement in the civil war between Muslim rebel groups and the Russian-backed Afghan government.


Astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). Italy. He was the first astronomer to use a telescope and advanced the theory that the sun, not the earth, was the center of the solar system.

Inventor Cyrus McCormick (1809-1884).  He invented the horse-drawn mechanical reaper.

Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906), USA. She worked tirelessly for woman's suffrage (right to vote). She was commemorated in 1979 with the Susan B. Anthony dollar coin, thus became the first American woman to have her image on a U.S. coin.

15 February Knowledge History - Science, Engineering and Management

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