Saturday, March 30, 2013

30 March History and Importance of The Day

1858 - Pencil with attached eraser was  patented by Hyman L Lipman
1867 - US buys Alaska from Russia for $7,200,000 (2 cents an acre)
1953 - Einstein announced revised unified field theory
1972 - North Vietnamese troops enter South Vietnam
1981 - Newly elected President Ronald Reagan was shot in the chest while walking toward his limousine in Washington, D.C., following a speech inside a hotel. The president was then rushed into surgery to remove a 22-caliber bullet from his left lung. The president soon recovered from the surgery and returned to his duties.


Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890). He was a Postimpressionist painter, generally considered the greatest Dutch painter after Rembrandt. During his short (10-year) painting career he produced over 800 oil paintings and 700 drawings, but sold only one during his lifetime. In 1987, the sale of his painting Irises brought $53.9 million, the highest price ever paid for a work of art up to that time.

History Events Video


30 March Knowledge History - Science, Engineering and Management

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